Sunday, June 7, 2009

Nosy Neighbors

So for those of you that don't know I had my appendix out last week due to a truly un wanted and un invited bout of appendicitis. This week has been less then fun....AS IF I NEEDED ONE MORE THING to deal with on top of everything else. Apparently God thinks I need some "buffering".....that's what I'm calling it these days. I'm not being broken or extremely tortured even though my feet may feel like it after working a double. He is "buffering" me....preparing me for something, though I don't know what yet. So why not put me flat on my back ( well I'm supposed to be on bed rest but yea I'm protesting in case you haven't gathered that I'm biting through the pain and trying to walk around )

Today was really my first day up and about......guess what I did? HOUSE HUNTING! My lease is up in less then a month. I have noooo clue where I am going. so why not take the time to go look at houses. *rolling my eyes* I have to admit that this really was a stupid idea on my part. I thought I was ready....but truly I was not. Let's just say I payed for it the rest of the night.

Ok mom's I have a funny story for you. Yesterday J.D. woke up before me and came and woke me up asking for juice and hot dogs! I of course got him the juice, said no to the hot dog and tried to feed him a healthy breakfast. I turned on veggie tales in my room for him and hobbled back to bed. I apparently drifted back to sleep (damn pain killers!) because the next thing I know my phone is ringing. It's my landlord asking me if I knew where J.D. was. I got snippy and defensive, " OF COURSE I KNOW WHERE HE IS WHAT KIND OF MOM DO YOU THINK I AM?!?!" I look over and he's gone. Veggies is still on but no J.D.....My stomach sinks and I asked her why. Someone called her saying they could see a little boy throwing toys out the window and saying "bye bye toys see your tomorrow." I try to get out of bed as quickly as possible with out pulling out stitches and sure enough there is my lil one playing in his room so nicely with his cars. I sighed in relief and told her whoever called her was crazy and thanks for calling but he was fine and just hung up. I was headed back to bed and decided to just check all the windows "just in case". SURE ENOUGH THAT LITTLE BUG HAD PUSHED HIS SCREEN OUT and there was a pile of toys at the bottom of our 2 story building. I looked out the window to see this mean looking old lady with her hands on her hips shaking her finger at me. God only knows what she was saying but I didn't want to hear it.

I just had surgery 4 days ago. I have 3 incisions and feel like some one is stabbing me in the stomach ever time I move and am trying to take care of a 2 yr old BY MYSELF. Bite me you old hag is what I wanted to say..... :) But I didn't. I had maint. come fix it within the hour....and he came bearing gifts....all of J.D's toys.

So does part of me feel like a bad mom because he could have fallen out the window? Yup..... I surely do. Reason #9,483,4r4,894,089,043 as to why being a single mom sucks. Do I believe that some how some way even though I was extremely irritated at that old lady for mean mugging me that some "higher power that be" used her to tell me JD was in danger? ABSOLUTELY.

Lesson for the day mom's: Make sure you screens do not pop out easy. Don't take pain pills that knock you out when your kid is around......never stop trusting God. He's got your back....and your kids back. I so humbly learned yesterday.

Susie is coming tomorrow! I can't wait. YAY!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I'm back....AGAIN

My sister said it best the other day on my FACE BOOK...(that's right I finally got sucked into it.) that bed rest suits me well because I actually have time to stay in touch with people and get things done on the computer. CRAZY!

I will be honest....the last thing I want to do after I've worked 12-16 hours a day is come home and sit in front of the computer and type even more. Usually my brain is about mush and I'm ready for a bubble bath and glass of wine. (in my dreams I usually don't get past the couch)
BUT ALL THAT ASIDE.....I'm committing to staying on top of blogging. For the single purpose of it being extremely therapeutic and staying in touch with other single mom's a like. I know I'm not a lot in my everyday chaos, even though there are times I really feel like it......

So my dearest blogger single moms and sisters because this helps you stay on top of what's going on in my life as well.....yell at me if I start slacking? YAY FOR BLOGS!!!!