Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Publish Post

Publish Post
These are some fun picture from this weekend. J.D, Ben and Mika-Jade. these are my baby's! Note to self, never take two toddlers and an 8yr old to the museum by yourself, especially when there is water around. Needless to say they ended up soaked!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

An amazing way to start your day......

I don't know about any of you, but at 5:30am I'm pretty much a zombie. I was doing my usual thing this morning getting ready and staring at my closet trying to decide what I was going to wear for the day, when I noticed that it was quiet. I don't know how he does it, but even at 5:30am J.D. has energy and I can usually hear him playing or talking to the kitten or singing the veggie tales song. But this morning, I couldn't hear him.......

I got that gut's you know what I'm talking about! That feeling that something isn't right and I need to go check it right this moment or the house might burn down! I'm sure you all have gotten it at one point or another. Anyway.....I came out of my room and looked in the living room and dining room and kitchen....all were empty. I then noticed that bathroom door is shut. Uhh-ooh.....I slowly open the door and there is J.D. standing on top of the toilet seat on his tippy-toes leaning into the sink....playing with two toothbrushes! I then realized my white sink had a black fuzzy thing in it playing in the water{ I have no clue how the water got turned on}.....which ended up being my kitten! Apparently I have two kids now! I couldn't help but laugh as I looked at JD soaked from head to toe and see the toilet seat open....and water was splashed everywhere {I'm thinking that he was playing in the toilet with the toothbrushes...ewww} Thankfully I had a spare toothbrush in the closet so I was able to laugh about it! My little one never ceases to amaze me. He's learning to shut the doors now when he's doing something he shouldn't be.....this could be trouble!

Side boss apologised and the employee I originally suspended will be suspended again tomorrow, this time for good. *phew*

J.D. had to have a chest x-ray today. remember that horrible fever he had last weekend? Well, it went into a virus that he hasn't been able to kick....turns out he has pneumonia. Viral.....thankfully it's not bacterial other wise we would be in the hospital right now. I told J.D. no more playing in puddles or out in the rain...even if it is 80 outside because this is how it all started. Lesson learned! Trying to keep this blog light....but mom's let me tell you if you've never had to get one done on your kid before be thankful. It was awful. MOVING ON......

I finally got the net!'s taken me forever, but I got my computer back and OMG I actually have cable to. Amazing. Thank you Heritage for the raise that is now paying for it. Digital Camera is next on the list! I'm getting over being bitter about losing it in Florida. It's time for a new one!

Kate is in town.....we are having a Finney Chicks reunion tonight. Should prove to be interesting. 2 of us have kids now.....WIERD. I will let you all know how it goes.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

WWE in my living room.....

That's right, you read the title correctly! I discovered that my 19th month old knows how to wrestle. Not just the normal baby wrestling, he actually pinned a 6"4 over 200lb 25 year old to the ground. Normally I would say this is impossible, SOEMBODY I have no clue who, has taught him the 2 spots to go for. The nuts and the joke. He pounced on him, got Nate to roll over and then dove onto his head, causing Nate's head/nose to smash into the ground and then J.D. sat on top of his head....and thus J.D. pinned Nate to the ground

It was hysterical......... Nate was in pain and for once could not torture any of us. Haha, I love karma. What goes around comes around! Nate, is the big brother you either love to pieces one day or can't stand the next day because he teases you relentlessly and just doesn't go away. Unfortunately he's not my big brother.....but he may as well be. Him and J.D. have a pretty special relationship. Nate been talking to J.D. since I found out I was pregnant. Everyday, Nate would poke and prod my stomach and talk to J.D. and tell him all the things he was going to do to "torture" and "tease" him when he came out. Those are amazing memories. An even greater thing, is to see them playing together and wrestling on the floor and J.D. finally putting Nate in his place!

This weekend has been busy! I worked 8-4 on Saturday....I lost count of how many hours I worked this week once it past 60. Then I ate dinner with the "fam" {MM, GG, Nate and Beth the family that took care of JD while I was in NZ. We used to live with them} Spent time with J.D. got him ready for bed, then headed out for a girls night! Laura was working so we went to the cheesecake factory and sat in her section for over 2 1/2 hours just chit chatting. It was so nice to just sit back and relax and laugh! Laughs are far and few between these days, especially this week. We went out dancing and met up with an old friend for her bachelorette party. They were playing 80's music for a good part of the night. I was so out of my element and dancing....if you want to call me bobbing my head and doing a shimmy every now and then dancing! It was a lot of fun. Got home around 3am got up at 8am was going to attempt to go to church, but as I was getting JD ready he was running away from me doing the chasing game, tripped on a toy and fell right into an island counter in the kitchen. He now had a bruise line starting from his for head down to his chin and a black eye with a huge goose egg on his eyebrow. I started crying with him....I felt so bad. I can only imagine how much that hurt. But he is a trooper and it hasn't seem to phase him that much.

I then received a phone call from work asking me if I was coming to one of the individuals party. I stated that I was thinking about it and the girl told me to dress up because it was "diamond theme" and everyone was wearing old prom dresses. GREAT! It was 11:30am when I got that phone call and the party started at 2:30. Thankfully, my dress that I wore in Katie's wedding was here at the house and I ran upstairs hoping that it fit. I was 4 months pregnant when she got married. I put it on......and it completely fell off of me. I have no more boobs to support it. It was so depressing. It pretty much fit everywhere else, but there and it's strapless. After an hour of playing with it and damning whoever it was that planned a party on a Sunday therefor making me go on my day off {I'm the residence's pretty much a given I have to be at every big function} MM came to the rescue with double sided tape. That's right girls.....I taped the dress up. After trying to manipulate the dress instead of being defeated I just started laughing because of how ridiculous this all was. Long story short, the dress stayed up through the party! I had one scare where the tape just fell off in the front and I could feel it making its way down the inside of my dress but I was able to sneak away and fix it before anything disastrous happened.

It's been a great weekend. I'm exhausted....but it was well worth it. J.D. and I are off for a walk by the lake to watch the sunset!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Loving Your Enemies......geting over the past

I did something today that I thought I would never be able to do ever again.....I did something nice for James{Jacob's father}...sporadically. Not because I needed something or wanted something....just because. I have no idea where this came from. It's not like I was having this amazing day. I've been stuck in meetings all day and actually am fighting a migraine, HOWEVER I was in the area and I got the idea in my head to just drop off some coffee and a little something else that I used to buy for him all the time.

A little history......

James is a manager at a restaurant.....he got the job because I went in, talked to a person that I new worked there and brought him an application. 3 months later I found out he was cheating on me with one of the servers..... The amazing part of the story is that I found out I was pregnant 2 days before I found out he was cheating on me. This restaurant and the people with in it have caused more trauma and devastation in my life then one person needs to endure. To think, I actually got him the job there make me sick. It should be called "The Whore House". We were off and on for about a year after day I loved him the other day I hated the mean time he kept hooking up with all the servers in the restaurant { I know of at least 6}. After finding that out and realizing those people that I thought were my friends knew all along that he was STILL cheating on me but never said a word when we hung out, I vowed to never step foot in that place ever again and cut off all ties with everyone.

I've been working on forgiving him, however he has not exactly made it easy for me. He made me believe that he truly loved me....that we could be the family I have always dreamed of. He proposed and had me believing that he had changed later that night when I got out of work and couldn't sleep I went over and walked in on him sleeping with yet another girl....with our son in the bassinet next to the bed, he left me 20,000 dollars in debt, broke my heart, GOT ME PREGNANT {yea I know I had a part in it too}, dislocated my shoulder, crashed my car, cheated on me countless times.....{the list goes on but I'm stopping there because I'm getting angry} But honestly, when is it ever easy?

Today....I walked in there with my chin up and smile on my face making the choice to put it all behind me. I was shaking like a leaf and relieved to not see his girlfriend in the dining room. { I knew she was there because her car was in the parking lot} I had called and asked him to come meet me in the dining room and he said no that he had stuff to do. At first I let that get to me and was really hurt which quickly turned to anger and I wanted to throw the coffee at his car window, but I pushed it to the side and decided I was going in anyway. I was in there for about 2.5 seconds, no joke. I smiled at the hostess handed her the things for him said it was for James. She looked puzzled and I smiled and told her to have a good day and really did mean it. Heart pounding, hands shaking I stood there and looked around before leaving. I did it. I conquered something I thought I would never be able to do.

It may sound little, but it was a huge step for me. Knowing him he may think nothing of it....he may even think it was from one of his other little whores he has on the side but oh well. I'm on the road to recovery, although I'm not sure if I will ever truly get over everything that happened. At least I made a step in the right direction today......

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A sleepless weekend.....

In a perfect world weekends are supposed to be relaxing and "time away" from your mon-friday working job. You may even have "fun" if you plan things right. I'm waiting for that to happen. I probably shouldn't be blogging right now because I'm exhausted and totally annoyed. It's Saturday night and every single one of my friends EVEN THOSE THAT ARE HOME BODIES! Are going out. Everything from birthday party's, to houseboat party's to just stupid wrestling and chilling with the guys night...... and I'm at home with a fussy child who keeps spiking a temp between 102-104 and giving me a heart attack. I have had to run and dunk him in a look-warm bath several times in the past 24 hours to try and get his fever down. Of course this was not welcomed and I ended up being punched, kicked and hit in the face several times. It all started yesterday when I got out of work.....

I walked into the back yard of the in-home day care he goes to and saw that he was laying down behind the slide playing with the sand. I thought it was odd but thought nothing of it until I saw him coming towards me and knew something was up. I got him home and took his temp and sure enough he had a fever of 103.3! Thank God for children's Tylenol and Advil that I had in the medicine cupboard {the great thing about being ocd and always having to be prepared it does come in handy sometimes} I immediately made the decision to stay home. It was my friend Darell's birthday and a bunch of people were going out and my girls were going to be my "wing men" but my baby got sick....and he trumps all!

I got it his fever down a little bit as the night went on, but he woke up around 12:30am crying. I went in to get him and sure enough he was drenched in sweat and he had a 104.2 I was trying so hard not to panic because I know that is high enough to send him into having a seizure. I see them almost everyday at work I think I would come un-raveled if I ever saw him have one. The punch in the mouth I got when I stuck him in the water definitely woke me up! Anyway I was up with him almost all night because he was tossing and turning and whimpering in his sleep. I slept in my clothes ready to take him to the hospital. Thankfully it didn't come to that. He still has a high fever and seems a bit congested but not really. It's so odd! I'm hoping for an un-eventful night.

On a more positive note......I cleaned my apt {like total scrub down spring cleaning} and got 8 loads of laundry done! YESSSS! don't ask how I got that much......because I honestly don't know. I did all of our bedding so that added alot.

J.D. helped me back cookies for the first time today! He was attached to my hip because of not feeling well so of course he had to help. It was fun though. I made a double batch of snicker doodles and chocolate chip peanut butter cookies. Am I crazy for letting my sick child help? Maybe....the "germ-a-phoebe alarm" was definitely going off inside my head{Susie I just saw you role your eyes}.....but I wasn't going to eat any and there was no snot, drool or any other body fluid coming from him so why not? I wish I had a camera to show you how adorable he was sitting on the counter throwing sugar and cinnamon everywhere. Have you ever had a moment where you were completely happy? Were you able to pause and recognise it and come to the conclusion that it was all worth it? Well I had that kind of a moment today when he was helping me bake and blowing me kisses in between throwing sugar at me. It was awesome. It definitely made my sleepless night well worth it. About a year ago I would have been absolutely miserable for missing such a huge party weekend and having to be stuck home with a sick child. But today was a good day, though a bit stressful.....I have come to enjoy the quiet times where I get a cuddle or two and am finding joy in the little things, like baking cookies and making a mess in the kitchen!