Saturday, September 6, 2008

A sleepless weekend.....

In a perfect world weekends are supposed to be relaxing and "time away" from your mon-friday working job. You may even have "fun" if you plan things right. I'm waiting for that to happen. I probably shouldn't be blogging right now because I'm exhausted and totally annoyed. It's Saturday night and every single one of my friends EVEN THOSE THAT ARE HOME BODIES! Are going out. Everything from birthday party's, to houseboat party's to just stupid wrestling and chilling with the guys night...... and I'm at home with a fussy child who keeps spiking a temp between 102-104 and giving me a heart attack. I have had to run and dunk him in a look-warm bath several times in the past 24 hours to try and get his fever down. Of course this was not welcomed and I ended up being punched, kicked and hit in the face several times. It all started yesterday when I got out of work.....

I walked into the back yard of the in-home day care he goes to and saw that he was laying down behind the slide playing with the sand. I thought it was odd but thought nothing of it until I saw him coming towards me and knew something was up. I got him home and took his temp and sure enough he had a fever of 103.3! Thank God for children's Tylenol and Advil that I had in the medicine cupboard {the great thing about being ocd and always having to be prepared it does come in handy sometimes} I immediately made the decision to stay home. It was my friend Darell's birthday and a bunch of people were going out and my girls were going to be my "wing men" but my baby got sick....and he trumps all!

I got it his fever down a little bit as the night went on, but he woke up around 12:30am crying. I went in to get him and sure enough he was drenched in sweat and he had a 104.2 I was trying so hard not to panic because I know that is high enough to send him into having a seizure. I see them almost everyday at work I think I would come un-raveled if I ever saw him have one. The punch in the mouth I got when I stuck him in the water definitely woke me up! Anyway I was up with him almost all night because he was tossing and turning and whimpering in his sleep. I slept in my clothes ready to take him to the hospital. Thankfully it didn't come to that. He still has a high fever and seems a bit congested but not really. It's so odd! I'm hoping for an un-eventful night.

On a more positive note......I cleaned my apt {like total scrub down spring cleaning} and got 8 loads of laundry done! YESSSS! don't ask how I got that much......because I honestly don't know. I did all of our bedding so that added alot.

J.D. helped me back cookies for the first time today! He was attached to my hip because of not feeling well so of course he had to help. It was fun though. I made a double batch of snicker doodles and chocolate chip peanut butter cookies. Am I crazy for letting my sick child help? Maybe....the "germ-a-phoebe alarm" was definitely going off inside my head{Susie I just saw you role your eyes}.....but I wasn't going to eat any and there was no snot, drool or any other body fluid coming from him so why not? I wish I had a camera to show you how adorable he was sitting on the counter throwing sugar and cinnamon everywhere. Have you ever had a moment where you were completely happy? Were you able to pause and recognise it and come to the conclusion that it was all worth it? Well I had that kind of a moment today when he was helping me bake and blowing me kisses in between throwing sugar at me. It was awesome. It definitely made my sleepless night well worth it. About a year ago I would have been absolutely miserable for missing such a huge party weekend and having to be stuck home with a sick child. But today was a good day, though a bit stressful.....I have come to enjoy the quiet times where I get a cuddle or two and am finding joy in the little things, like baking cookies and making a mess in the kitchen!


Havalah said...

i love you and i love reading your blog. I hope JD is feeling better :) I would have loved to see him throwing sugar at you! Haha. i love you sweetie! Miss you!

Miss Blondie said...

Dont worry, i'm home on saturday night too...only my son isn't sick and is almost 7. I hope your baby is feeling better! I've been exactly in your shoes before but down the road you won't even remember that you missed a party and trust is all worth it!

jenn said...

It's no fun having a sick baby. Hope he's feeling better.