Friday, August 29, 2008

Going Home......

The time has come for me to return home.......

It's bitter sweet this time, but I'm ready to go home. I've never been away from Jacob thsi long and it's killing me. I hate saying goodbye, especially to the people I love. It has never been easy for me and I will probaby do my classic "just hurry and say goodbye before you start crying" rush through customs, find my seat ont he airplane and start sobbing.....we've been down this road before.

Returning to NY means back to reality. Back to work, back to stress, back to putting JD in Day Care and the never ending duties of being a single mom. I can't wait to see Jacob but I know that he's going to be mad at me for leaving and will probably act rotten the entire day I come back, because that's how he deals with my leaving him. It sucks.... However, I'm going back rested and refreshed and even more determined to succeed.

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