Thursday, August 28, 2008

Princess and the Toad.......

I woke up this morning and darted out of bed to call J.D. in hopes that I would catch him before he started eating dinner. {New Zealand is a day ahead of NY} One thing I have learned about him since I have been away is that you can not come between him and his food. It does not matter that mommy is 1/2 a world away and he has not seen me in over a week. When he's eating he's eating and does not want to be bothered, END OF STORY!

I lucked out this morning and got him right as he was finishing and getting ready for a bath. There is nothing like the sound of your child's voice saying "mama" and hearing him say " I love you". It was a great way to start off my day.

MM, who is like a grandma to JD and is taking care of him while I'm away gave me the "scoop" on his adventures for the day. One of which included him discovering a baby toad. Apparently he thought it was the best thing since sliced bread and was squealing and having the time of his life playing with it. Boy, am I in trouble. If he is discovering "creatures" and having this much fun with toads at 18 months....what is to come in the near future? I am a princess when it comes to animals and really just can't be bothered with them. {except for kittens} Especially, when they are slimy and really ugly. I'm actually quite relieved that I wasn't there for his discovery of toads. I can assure you that as much as I am waiting for my "Prince" I will not be coming in touch with any toads to find him......even if it's pure entertainment for my son. Toads today God only knows what it will be tomorrow. Oh the beauty of having a toddler.......................

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