Friday, February 27, 2009


J.D. didn't mind that I messed up on the first one!
This is him trying to steal the candles before I lit them!

I was trying to catch him and kiss him on the cheek but he turned his head and his father caught this!

Daddy and J.D.

J.D. 2nd Birthday

His Birthday was a hit! Everyone got to my place before his dad brought him, that was a default but it all worked out well when he looked around the the room at everyone and smiled! Of course the cake and presents were the big hit! I made 2 large and one smaller one. I messed up the writing on the small one so thankfully I had the 2nd large one and that turned out ok. So I'm not a professional cake maker, but I did what i could and everyone at it so that's what counts right?

His Dad stole the show with a balloons and a special Tigger that J.D. gasped and went "ohhhh" when he saw it! After everyone left we had dinner as a family and watched Veggie Tales. I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! HIS DAD ACTUALLY SAT AND WATCHED IT WITH US! I was waiting, really dreading him saying, "well I better get going." He stayed until J.D. was in bed and sleeping! It was a great day overall and a total relief after the last couple of days J.D. an I have had. I got a big hug and kiss before bed and he said, " I love you mommy night night" all by myself. Talk about making my heart melt! We actually felt like a family last night and I'm having a hard time keeping my emotions out of it. But, I will talk about that tomorrow...or later tonight. Everything is still "sinking in". Enjoy the pics! I had some camera issues in the beginning...turns out the lens was dirty so I only got a few good pics :(

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I feel mean......

Today was another "day" with J.D. thanks to all of you that gave me some helpfull feedback, Jenn referred me to a book that I plan on going to Barnes & Nobles and finding tomorrow. All day J.D. just did one naughty thing after another. He would not listen to me at all....he ran out in the street and although I was screaming at him in a panicked tone saying" J.D. STOP please listen to mommy DANGER DANGER" he turned around and looked at me, smirked and kept running. It was beautiful out today and I was feeling a bit better so I took him outside to play. he was running after the ball that had gone into the street.... Thankfully the car that was coming stopped when the ball rolled out in the road. J.D. really scared me....I could tell people were waiting to see how I reacted as soon as I caught up to him....I grabbed him by the hand and firmly told him that the rd was dangerous and walked back to our yard. I nelt down to his eye level and pointed to the rd and repeated my "dangerous" speech. I then picked him up and told him we were going inside to sit in time out because he did not listen to mommy. He was ofcourse upset and I felt so bad, but knew I couldnt' let him get away with it. He was muddy from playing out side so I redirected him and asked him if he wanted to play with bubbles in the bath tub and he was ok with that. Long story short.....he ended up having a fit because he didn't want his hair washed and he got soap in his eye because he smacked my hand as I was trying to rince his hair. At that point I had enough.....I can honestly tell you how many times I have spanked him and they are less then the 5 fingers on one hand, but today he deserved it and I didn't give it a second thought. I'm not sure who cried harder after it him or me. Everyone has a personal opinion on spanking, but for me it goes deeper then all the political/legalistic/socially exceptable crap. I called his father and he actually came right away {he was at work} to help me out. I can not tell you the relief that washed over me as he walked through my door and said " babe are you ok? what happened? " J.D. responds so well to him, it's mind blowing. I sat and listened and watched as his father pointed to the street and explained why J.D. couldn't play in it and then he made J.D. pick up his room that he completely destroyed in anger b/c I put him in time out countless times today. Then he asked J.D. if he wanted mommy to be sad and J.D. looked at me and shook his head and said " no mommy sad." Then he came and gave me a huge if to say I'm sorry. I know it get's better....but to be honest I'm so sick of hearing people say it. I want it to be better now. I'm sick of being mean and fighting with him everyday. If you only knew how many times I told J.D. to pick up his room you would be sick....and to watch him respond to his father telling him once? I didn't know which to do first, punch a wall or cry. After that I went and crawled in bed feeling defeated. The harsh reality of me being a single mom and it having it's effects on J.D. were quite apparent to me today... and it literally made me sick to my stomach. Did I mention that today was his fathers days to have him but he had to work so I kept him? Part of me wants to think that he is to little to understand what days are what, but after seeing how he responded today i know he has been acting so naughty because he's mad that he is here with me and not with his Dad. His dad kept asking me what was wrong, why was I crying and so upset and everything within me wanted to say, "This is what's not being here to help me is what's wrong. You cheating on me and lying to me saying we would be a family...and then leaving me to raise our son and work 2 jobs to survive while you do your own thing...that's what's wrong." But I couldn't.... I know that I need to be greatful that we are on good terms again and that he came and got J.D. when I needed him to. Seeing J.D. respond to him so well was like salt in open wounds for me.....

My point in sharing this is not only to do some much needed venting, but because I know I'm not the only one who has had days where the mom reaches her whitts end. So many people put up so many fronts and pretend to have the "perfect lives" and they "love being mom's" one mom even went so far as saying, " I love my child to much to hit him. If anyone reaches that point they should not be a parent". I hate to say it but all the mom's I'm thinking of are people from Church....not just my church either. I think I may be opening pandoras box by saying that but I'm being honest...and real and that it what this blog is for....

I feel like I'm mean because I have to tell him no and redirect him all the time and I know that he will understand eventually, but that's not much comfort for today. So mom's, do you have any tips? What do you do when you feel like your about to lose it? When you have a screaming child who is hitting and kicking you because you told them "no" to something that could hurt them? If your going to tell me to count don't bother because I tried it and it doesn't work.

Tomorrow is his 2nd birthday.....and he is with his father. I haven't planned anything because of everything else going on in my life, a large group of people is the last thing I can handle. Does that make me a bad mom? I was thinking of making cup cakes and having my sister and her kids over tomorrow for lunch and then doing the birthday thing after and making it a small family affair. I will let you know how it goes....

Monday, February 23, 2009


As I said before J.D. is turning 2 this week....and I swear the boy is just trying to push my every button. He has been getting into EVERYTHING this past week. No joke...he's like a cyclone. Today for example.....we had just woken up and he wanted juice, so he decided to be Mr. independent and go to the fridge and get the juice. I'm still laying in bed, not knowing that he had gotten up until I feel something cold on my hand! I open my eyes just as he dumps the ENTIRE carton of juice on my arm and down comforter that is DRY CLEAN ONLY! Then I look over and see that he had brought in one of his cups and had taken off the lid and dumped out the soy milk on my bed. SOY MILK SMELLS SOOO BAD WHEN IT STARTS TO SPOIL. Not only did it seep through my blanket, down to my sheets but into the mattress. *sigh* THATS HOW MY DAY STARTED. By 3pm he had taken every toy out of his toy box and thrown it around the house, threw his ball at the wall and broke my favorite glass prince charming frog, knocked over my vanilla diffuser from Party Light that cost WAY TO MUCH MONEY, opened up 3 cans of cat food and smeared them into the carpet, dumped over the laundry basket with his neatly folded clothes in it, squirted out 1/2 a tube of toothpaste in the sink and got 1/4 of it on the BLACK cat, and last but not least he got a hold of crayons and drew on the dining room and living room walls and the t.v.! He also found his lotion and baby powder and dumped them all on the carpet and smeared them together. Then he went into the fridge and got out hot dogs and put them in the baby powder and proceeded to take things out of the refrigerator until I came out and saw what he was doing. CAN I CRY YET?!!?!?! Now you all are probably wondering where I was during this time that he could get into so much trouble right? Well let's face it, I can't keep my eye on him 24-7. However, I had put him in his room and put the baby gate up and thought it would be safe for me to take a shower with out him coming in and ripping the curtain open and letting all the water out of the tub! {that is his new favorite game} However, the lil bug piled up his toys and climbed over the gate and thus the destruction began. He got into the bathroom and did the toothpaste when I was trying to make him breakfast. I'm talking 30 mins tops for the above events. So mom's, I need your help. How am I going to get red and green crayon our of my walls?!?!!?!?!? Please tell me it gets better.....his father came to pick him up around 3pm and he still had not taken a nap. I have been trying to get him to sleep for almost 3 hrs. His dad looked at me and said, " Wow babe you look beat. Maybe you should go take a nap...." All I could do was laugh and shake my head. They left a little later and I collapsed in bed EXAUGHSTED trying to figure out how I'm going to get the crayon off the wall and the lotion/baby powder out of the rug. Any suggestions?

Slacking again....

For those of you that have been following my blog, I apologize for the silence. Some things went down at work, one of my employees found my blog, and I needed to lay low for awhile. I will be changing my blog cite as soon as I have time. Thanks to all of you who have been commenting and encouraging me. I refuse to be defeated, however for the sake of keeping my job and personal life problems/issues off the front news of the paper in the agencies paper I need to lay low until I create a different page. I will be in touch soon. I have sooo much to tell you guys! J.D's 2nd birthday is this week! I will be back on post pictures and details.