Friday, February 27, 2009

J.D. 2nd Birthday

His Birthday was a hit! Everyone got to my place before his dad brought him, that was a default but it all worked out well when he looked around the the room at everyone and smiled! Of course the cake and presents were the big hit! I made 2 large and one smaller one. I messed up the writing on the small one so thankfully I had the 2nd large one and that turned out ok. So I'm not a professional cake maker, but I did what i could and everyone at it so that's what counts right?

His Dad stole the show with a balloons and a special Tigger that J.D. gasped and went "ohhhh" when he saw it! After everyone left we had dinner as a family and watched Veggie Tales. I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! HIS DAD ACTUALLY SAT AND WATCHED IT WITH US! I was waiting, really dreading him saying, "well I better get going." He stayed until J.D. was in bed and sleeping! It was a great day overall and a total relief after the last couple of days J.D. an I have had. I got a big hug and kiss before bed and he said, " I love you mommy night night" all by myself. Talk about making my heart melt! We actually felt like a family last night and I'm having a hard time keeping my emotions out of it. But, I will talk about that tomorrow...or later tonight. Everything is still "sinking in". Enjoy the pics! I had some camera issues in the beginning...turns out the lens was dirty so I only got a few good pics :(

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