Monday, February 23, 2009


As I said before J.D. is turning 2 this week....and I swear the boy is just trying to push my every button. He has been getting into EVERYTHING this past week. No joke...he's like a cyclone. Today for example.....we had just woken up and he wanted juice, so he decided to be Mr. independent and go to the fridge and get the juice. I'm still laying in bed, not knowing that he had gotten up until I feel something cold on my hand! I open my eyes just as he dumps the ENTIRE carton of juice on my arm and down comforter that is DRY CLEAN ONLY! Then I look over and see that he had brought in one of his cups and had taken off the lid and dumped out the soy milk on my bed. SOY MILK SMELLS SOOO BAD WHEN IT STARTS TO SPOIL. Not only did it seep through my blanket, down to my sheets but into the mattress. *sigh* THATS HOW MY DAY STARTED. By 3pm he had taken every toy out of his toy box and thrown it around the house, threw his ball at the wall and broke my favorite glass prince charming frog, knocked over my vanilla diffuser from Party Light that cost WAY TO MUCH MONEY, opened up 3 cans of cat food and smeared them into the carpet, dumped over the laundry basket with his neatly folded clothes in it, squirted out 1/2 a tube of toothpaste in the sink and got 1/4 of it on the BLACK cat, and last but not least he got a hold of crayons and drew on the dining room and living room walls and the t.v.! He also found his lotion and baby powder and dumped them all on the carpet and smeared them together. Then he went into the fridge and got out hot dogs and put them in the baby powder and proceeded to take things out of the refrigerator until I came out and saw what he was doing. CAN I CRY YET?!!?!?! Now you all are probably wondering where I was during this time that he could get into so much trouble right? Well let's face it, I can't keep my eye on him 24-7. However, I had put him in his room and put the baby gate up and thought it would be safe for me to take a shower with out him coming in and ripping the curtain open and letting all the water out of the tub! {that is his new favorite game} However, the lil bug piled up his toys and climbed over the gate and thus the destruction began. He got into the bathroom and did the toothpaste when I was trying to make him breakfast. I'm talking 30 mins tops for the above events. So mom's, I need your help. How am I going to get red and green crayon our of my walls?!?!!?!?!? Please tell me it gets better.....his father came to pick him up around 3pm and he still had not taken a nap. I have been trying to get him to sleep for almost 3 hrs. His dad looked at me and said, " Wow babe you look beat. Maybe you should go take a nap...." All I could do was laugh and shake my head. They left a little later and I collapsed in bed EXAUGHSTED trying to figure out how I'm going to get the crayon off the wall and the lotion/baby powder out of the rug. Any suggestions?


jenn said...

Well, I think I'm happy to have a girl at the moment. Haha. Sorry about your crazy day.

Shiloh's two and a half and of course she has her days too. She's definitely testing everything and can have quite the attitude. It wears me out to constantly correct her, but I know if I let it go one time, the next time it will be that much worse.

Please don't take this as me being a know it all, because Shiloh can be bratty too (trust me), but did you punish him when he did this stuff? I can see not punishing him for spilling the milk (even though that was awful), but does he know not to get into the fridge without asking? Maybe that should require some discipline. A book that I read that really helps me is How To Make Kids Mind Without Losing Yours by Dr. Kevin Leman. His approach isn't constant punishment and tons of rules, so I really like him. He kind of teaches you how to react and use the situation to teach the child.

For instance, I think I would make Shiloh pick up all the toys she threw around. I would give her something to clean up the carpet and the walls. (I realize they are too young to do a good job, but I think it would still teach consequences and I would go back and clean it better after.) And then, in Shiloh's case, she would be in time out too. Probably time out and then an apology and cleaning up.

Again, I don't want to give tons of unwanted advice, I know that's annoying. The only reason I'm even saying all this is because you asked for help. And no matter what we do, they are still going to get into stuff constantly. Toddlers are so exhausting! I feel your pain.

If you want to e-mail me (not because I have the answers, but I am going to a parenting class tomorrow night at church, so maybe I'll learn something) feel free to. About this or whatever else.

jennlee_123 at

Muthering Heights said...

Wow, that's one busy little guy you have there! My oldest is two, and she is also developing quite the mischievous streak...although I think your son takes the cake!

I haven't had the pleasure of scrubbing crayon off of walls yet, but if you've tried your usual multi-purpose cleaner without any luck, perhaps a Mr. Clean magic eraser?

I use Magic Man floor cleaner, which can also be used as a multi-purpose cleaner. My husband uses it in his restaurant, so I know that it's made for tough messes. I think you can buy it online.

Best of luck with everything! Hang in there mama!

Unknown said...

Mel-dee! Ak! Ok, so he and Oceana probably shouldn't play together too much haha - they'd trade secrets. I found stickers all over the doors today (she knows not to do furniture, I guess I hadn't specifically said no doors???) and just now I had to stop computer-ing because she knocked a glass off the table because she was jumping on the couch. *rolling my eyes here*

Anyways! What works for me is GIF for crayon on walls and a sponge with a bit of a scrubby on it. It's similar to Soft Scrub. Try that. :)

As for the soy milk..... hmmm.... Maybe a steam cleaner (the little ones) would help get the stink out of the mattress.

Do you think he was grumpy with you? Sometimes kids do stuff like that - every bad things possible - because they're angry with you. Just a thought. Hmm...

On another note - changing your blog title - on your Dashboard are three tabs - the middle one is Settings. Once you're in settings, the 2nd over is Publishing. The first or second option in Publishing is changing your blog address. :) The private invite only thing also works. Xoxo!