Saturday, December 20, 2008


I'M ALIVE! Believe it or not......I'm back. Long story as to why I have been slacking lately, but I missed my blogging therapy, so here I am.

Christmas is 5 days away. WOW. Is it me, or did it sneak up really quickly this year?

So much has happened, I don't even know where to begin, so I will just babble about today.

I HAD A GREAT DAY! Work only called twice.....that's huge! { I still don't have a weekend manager so I am on call weekends as well} I got to go Christmas shopping, by myself which I really enjoyed. Go figure, the girl who has always had to have somebody with her... went shopping by herself and had fun! I got a lot accomplished and was able to stay in my budget. Want to know the best part? I got it all done while J.D. was at home napping. PERFECTION.

After he woke up we baked Christmas cookies and put on carols and danced around the kitchen and had lots of fun. Tonight memories were made. My little one is getting big enough that he can "help" me with baking, which is pretty scary, but exciting all at the same time.

I thought about my Uncle Brian a lot today. For some reason I can't stop thinking about him...... He was layed to rest on Thursday and everyone, including Grandad and Nana kissed his casket and said goodbye. It all seems so it was a nightmare and I'm going to wake up anytime and he will not be gone. I answered my phone every time it rang today. I feel so bad that I never called him......he told Asha to tell me to call him because he knew I wouldn't answer my phone if he called me and I never made time to call him. I was to busy working. 5 days later, he died from a sudden heart attack. I'm going to have to live with the fact that I didn't make the time to call him when he asked me to....for the rest of my life.

With all that said, I've learned a valuable lesson this week. Live everyday like it was your last.....and never put family on the back burner, because you never know what will happen next.

1 comment:

jenn said...

I'm glad you're back. And I can't believe that it's almost Christmas! It snuck up on me too.

Sorry about your uncle.